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Int Tax mob

International Tax & Business Advisory

In a changing world, you need tax consultants and business advisors who understand modern ways of doing business and living life. Expanding your business overseas? Looking for support to do business in Australia? Employees relocating? Moving your family overseas? When it involves crossing borders, seek global tax advice from our skilled international advisors, to cut through international complexity and ensure your global success.

International Tax Advice for Individuals and Businesses

Tax Compliance

Navigate international tax laws in Australia and beyond. Get expert advice on compliance, transfer pricing, and more from our global tax compliance experts.
International Tax Compliance

Tax Advisory

Doing international business brings unique and intricate tax challenges and compliance requirements that can distract you from your goals. Get help setting up in Australia or expanding a business overseas.
International Tax Advisory

International M&A

Our comprehensive international M&A process allows you to better understand the value of your business, while being supported and empowered to tackle extensive strategic opportunities.
International Mergers & Acquisitions

Expatriate Services

If your life involves crossing borders, you need our global tax expertise. Get tax, financial and superannuation advice for Australian expats and international workers.
Expatriate Services

Meet Our International Tax Consultants

Mark Fancellu
Director | Accounting
Ani Tuna
Director | Accounting
Law Migration Law

Global Mobility Experts

BlueRock assists international business owners looking to invest in or launch their own business, and bring their family to live, work or study in Australia. No matter your situation, if you need help to secure a visa and work towards permanent residency in Australia, our migration lawyers can help you navigate the visa pathways on offer.
Migration Law Services

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. © BlueRock 2024.

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