BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

Take control of your business

We work with you to recognise where you're at, where you want to go and how you’ll get there. Comprehensive business planning helps you create long-term sustainable business growth, while helping to avoid bumps down the road. Take control of your business’s future with strategic business planning.

Get In Touch
Accounting Business Advisory Business Planning

The Importance and the Challenges of Business Planning

Business planning is an all encompassing process involving people and change, research and data, goal setting and of course, number crunching. We get the challenges faced by business owners, and we help you plan your way around them.
Uncertainty Rapid Change

Uncertainty & Rapid Change

The business landscape is ever-changing and predicting future market conditions is hard. We'll help you anticipate and adapt by navigating advancements in technology, marcro-economic movements and changing customer needs.
Dataand Market Research

Data & Market Research

To successfully plan your business's future you need real-time data you can trust and eyes on the competition. We can advise on the right systems and business intelligence tools required to source (and make sense of) data. And we help you implement them.
Growth Targets Forecasts

Growth Targets & Forecasts

Striking a balance between overly optimistic goals and achievable targets is one of the toughest parts of business planning. With smart financial forecasts and a thorough understanding of your industry and market dynamics, we can help you achieve rapid growth.
People Priorities Resources

People, Priorities & Resources

Business planning is one thing, implementing it successfully requires a balancing act between human resources, capital constraints and time management. We help you define your priorities and make sure you stay on track with regular touchpoints between planning sessions.

BlueRock's Business Planning Process

We start by getting to know your business and what stage you're at. Then we focus your business plan on getting set up, achieving growth or planning your exit strategy. Once we're ready to kick off, here's what to expect.
  • Business Advisory prep


    We know the right questions to ask and we leverage technology to ensure we have the data and knowledge about your business to conduct effective business planning. We'll ask you to fill out forms to gather inputs prior to the session.

  • Business Advisory Planning

    Planning Session

    The start of a calendar or financial year is a great time to conduct business planning as it sets the scene for the next 12 months. We can host you at our amazing office, or set things up online, and dedicate a full day to workshop your business plan.

  • Business Advisory Delivery


    We aim to deliver you an Action Plan within 24-48 hours of the business planning session so you can get started implementing your strategy. You'll also receive a comprehensive business plan document with any relevant reports or forecasts included.

  • Business Advisory Revisit

    Implement and Re-visit

    We can help you implement every element of your business plan. Explore our Monthly Meetings service or ask us about implement smart digital tools to keep you on track to achieve your goals.

7 Steps To A Strong Business Planning Process

  1. Define the scope
  2. Get everyone on board
  3. Create a common goal (vision & mission statement)
  4. Review every key element of your business
  5. Identify the keys to success (critical issues)
  6. Create an Action Plan
  7. Implement your business plan


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