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Boost Your Business with Fast Asset Finance

From construction tools to get the job done faster, state-of-the-art tech to give you the edge, machinery to increase production, and everything in between... Whatever assets or equipment your business needs to thrive - if it has a serial number - we can fund it. With lightning-fast pre-approval and our easy three-step process, we have your asset and equipment finance needs covered.

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2022 10 Finance Asset Finance

Get fast asset finance

Answer ‘Yes’ to ALL 4 of the questions below and you may qualify for pre-approval to purchase your next asset...

Is the purchase price of your asset under $150,000?

Is the equipment being purchased brand new and sold by a licensed dealer?

Do you have an ABN that has been registered for longer than 2 years and registered for GST for over a year?

Does at least one of the Directors of the purchasing entity own a property in their own name? (We don’t take security over this asset, it just helps assess the application.)

Let BlueRock finance your next asset purchase

With our simple, transparent and smooth asset financing process, we’ll have your loan approved and equipment installed in no time. Here's how it works.
  • Consultation


    Either in person or via Zoom, we'll schedule a 10 - 15min consultation to discuss your specific asset finance requirements.

  • Purchase Order

    Provide a Purchase Order or Contract

    Send through a Purchase Order for the asset you're business is purchasing. Providing the details of the asset enables our team to provide a funding quote.

  • Asset Finance Quote

    Asset Finance Quote

    Our team will provide you with the most competitive quote in the market. We'll also make a recommendation as to the appropriate lender and product.

  • Lodge Application

    Lodge Application

    Once the asset finance quote is accepted, we move through to the loan application process. Once all information is received, we then lodge the application with the appropriate bank or lender.

  • Formal Approval

    Formal Approval

    Our team works with the specified lender to achieve formal approval outcome. Upon formal approval we prepare loan documentation for execution.

  • Settlement


    We work with the lender and equipment supplier to move your transaction to settlement. Loan Account & Direct Debit is established post-settlement.

  • Loan Management

    Loan Management

    Our team will then diarise to be in contact 60 days prior to the expiry of your lease facility to ensure any residual / balloon payment is taken care of.

What is Asset Finance?

Asset finance is the savvy way for businesses to acquire essential assets, like vehicles, machinery, and cutting-edge tech, without emptying their pockets. Instead of splurging upfront, you can secure loans or leasing options, using the assets as collateral. It's a smart move that keeps your cash flow in check while propelling your business towards growth and success.
Chattel Mortgage

Chattel Mortgage

A chattel mortgage refers to a funder taking a mortgage over a specific serial numbered asset and providing funding against that asset. The chattel mortgage is the most utilised asset finance offering.
Hire Purchases

Hire Purchases

A hire purchase is when a client takes out a fixed period loan from a financier & that financier purchases/owns the vehicle or equipment on their behalf.


A rental lease is where the financier purchases the vehicle or equipment & allows you to use the vehicle for an agreed period or contract term. This financing structure allows your business to claim the tax benefits on the lease payments.
Novated Lease

Novated Lease

A novated lease is a finance agreement between client / employer & financier. It allows you to purchase a new or used vehicle & make repayments from your pre-tax salary with approval from your employer under a “salary sacrifice” arrangement.
Fitout Finance

Fitout Finance

Fitout Finance certainly has it’s complexities with financiers usually only happy to assist with serial numbered assets, not the soft costs such as tiles, chairs/tables, painting etc… Our team has the expertise to deliver on these funding arrangements.
Saleand Lease Hire Back

Sale & Lease

Also referred to as Hire Back, it's a method of financing where assets are sold to the lender, who then enters into a lease agreement with the customer. The customer remains in possession of the asset for the term of the lease and pays a monthly rental.

Don’t meet the pre-approval requirements for fast asset finance?

No stress. We can still assist you. Follow the 3 simple steps below and our team will be in touch.

Step 1

Send through a description or quote/purchase order for the asset you are looking to purchase.

Step 2

Our team will review and provide you with a competitive finance quote.

Step 3

Once you’ve accepted the quote, our team will collate the relevant information and move forward with the approval.


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