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Life (or death) cover

It's a morbid topic (the insurance industry used to call it death cover, so 'life cover' is an improvement) but a sudden death, or terminal illness diagnosis, can place extreme financial stress on those who depend on you. Life cover insurance, also known as term life insurance, can help them pay the bills and other living expenses like school fees and mortgage repayments.

Get in Touch
2022 10 Wealth Life Cover
Wondering If You Need Life Cover?

Whether or not you have kids or dependents is the number one factor when deciding if you need life cover. If you’re young and in the early stages of your career, you might not need it. Depending on who and what you’d be leaving behind (don't forget things like debt, pets or family who might one day depend on you) our wealth and life insurance advisors can help you understand how much life cover you need.


How Life Insurance Protects Your Family Home
3 min read
Navigating Life Insurance and Taxes
3 min read
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