BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

A One-Stop-Shop For Pharmacy Groups

Don’t let managing a pharmacy business be a constant prescription for stress. Our team of business advisors are experienced in the pharmacy industry and we’re well-placed to deliver cost-effective, efficient and innovative advice on every aspect of your pharmacy operation.


Prescription Problem-Solvers for the Pharmacy Industry

Managing multiple pharmacy retail sites can be challenging. As a business owner and a healthcare professional, it’s important to have the right systems and processes in place and expert advice on hand when you need it. Here are just a few problems we can solve for you.

Manage time and track performance

With smart systems and business intelligence tools, you can manage your time effectively and track business performance to identify areas for improvement. Without these tools, inefficiencies creep in and opportunities are missed, making it harder to maximise profits and make better decisions.

Attract and retain talented staff

We’re in a competitive job market. Attracting and retaining staff can be difficult and requires business owners to look to benefits such as salary packaging, fringe benefits, frictionless payroll and onboarding experiences, employee share schemes and more. We can help with all of it.

Budgeting, forecast & cashflow

Cashflow can be unpredictable across multi-site businesses and budgeting and forecasting is important to stay ahead of the competition. But it's not always easy, especially if you don't have a skilled finance team in-house. Our team of expert accountants and bookkeepers act as extension of your own team.

Growth is good but challenging

As your business grows, complex tax advice, expert business advisory and personal wealth consulting are essential. If it’s time to level up to a firm that can support expanding operations, help maximise profits, implement digital systems and create your exit strategy and succession plan, you've found us.

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What Our Clients Say

  • Testimonials Individual

    "I feel like they really know the pharmacy industry, so they can provide properly tailored solutions and recommendations"

    I've been a client of BlueRock since its inception and have found their advice to be of an exceptionally high standard. I also appreciate the integrated one-stop-shop nature of BlueRock and use not only their accounting but also their legal, superannuation and Private Wealth divisions.

    Ian Shanks, Fullife Pharmacy

  • Testimonials Finance

    "I can confidently make much better decisions about my business and my life"

    As a pharmacy owner, I knew I needed help with my accounts and taxes. However, I had not factored in how valuable it would be to have someone advising me on big-picture decisions like how to structure my business, reinvest profits and reduce risk. Working with BlueRock means I can confidently make much better decisions about my business and my life.

    Michael Delayney, Thursday Island Pharmacy

Our Partners

We can support pharmacy owners by connecting you with our partners. We work with leading brokers, finance providers and pharmacy networks around Australia.
Attain Pty Ltd
Medici Valuations
The Platform Alliance Group

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. © BlueRock 2024.

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