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Fallen behind on your bookkeeping?

We’ll bring your books up to date so you can breathe a sigh of relief. No catch-up period is too long or too short for us to help. We’ll dive into your books (or shoebox of receipts) and get them in tip-top shape before handing the baton back to you, or outsourced bookkeeping services .

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BROD Bookkeeping Bookkeeping Catch up

What’s Involved In A Bookkeeping Catch-Up?

If you feel like you’re drowning in overdue bookkeeping, we will pair you with expert bookkeepers to get your books up-to-date and ready to file your returns fast.

Simply bring your “shoebox of receipts” (don’t worry, we will show you how to get these to us digitally instead!) and provide access to your bank statements and Xero file. Even if you’re missing documents or have messy records, BlueRock Bookkeeping has you covered. We’re experts at tackling months or years of tough historical bookkeeping and fixing up errors. Once we’re done, we’ll direct you to our accounts team to help you get up to date with your tax returns.

Prefer to tackle overdue books on your own?

Our Bookkeeping Catch-up service is quite popular, but we know that some business owners or bookkeepers prefer to tackle the overdue bookkeeping on their own. That's why we offer expert Xero training!

When To Outsource Your Bookkeeping

Would you prefer to do some bookkeeping jobs yourself and get an expert to help with others?

Perhaps you’re still finding your way with double-entry bookkeeping or you’re afraid of getting payroll wrong? Or maybe you’re not cut out for chasing invoices? You can outsource any or all of those things and still keep a close eye on your accounts when you know what you’re looking for. Chat to us about how businesses commonly break up bookkeeping jobs between themselves and professionals, to make sure you can find the right balance.


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