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Alannah Pizzica

Supervisor | Accounting

Alannah is an accomplished accountant with a wealth of experience working with clients from small and medium enterprises to ASX-listed companies. She has a strong track record of interacting with stakeholders at all levels of business, and her exceptional communication and interpersonal skills have enabled her to foster close and lasting relationships with her clients.

Outside of work, Alannah is a culinary enthusiast who loves cooking for loved ones. If she has a day to herself, you can find her in the kitchen cookin’ up a delicious storm. She excels at everything from baking a warm and crusty focaccia to whipping up a creamy tiramisu. When she's not cooking, she loves to get out and explore the great outdoors. With her passion for food and her love of adventure, Alannah is always full of energy and always up for a good time.

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