BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

Alex hollick 1

Alex Hollick

Growth Marketing Manager | Digital

Alex joined BlueRock in 2018 with a background in editing and years of content experience in both Melbourne and New York. Alex is passionate about understanding the goals of our clients and creating compelling copy that communicates their unique brand stories.

Her creativity, attention to detail, and thirst for knowledge make her an impressive copywriter and a great editor. And yes, she does have an opinion on the Oxford comma. When she’s not crafting taglines or replacing commas with colons, you’ll probably find Alex exploring the wonders of outer space by way of a good boogie. Alex is a total disco tragic with a particular fondness for Norwegian Space Disco!

Knowledge I've Shared

How Important is SEO for eCommerce?
4 min read
BlueRock Digital now a HubSpot Platinum Partner!
4 min read
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