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Connor Hare

Junior Consultant | R&D and Government Incentives

Connor is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to his career to date, with experience in hospitality, retail, and student sport instruction under his belt. But he joins us with a big future in our grants and incentives team. He's a natural leader with a knack for teamwork and connecting with people, which makes him a valuable asset to any team. But what really sets Connor apart is his open-mindedness and willingness to try new things. He has a science and engineering background and loves working in dynamic environments that push him to think outside the box and see things from a different perspective.

In his free time, Connor is all about staying active and having a good time. He's a big basketball fan and loves hitting the trails for a good hike. He's also a language enthusiast and has big plans to travel the world and immerse himself in new cultures. And if that wasn't enough, he's also got a thirst for adventure – he's super excited to try out extreme sports like parachuting and wingsuit flying! All in all, Connor is a laid-back, loyal, and compassionate BlueRocker who's always up for a challenge.

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