Dean godfrey

Dean Godfrey

Chief Operating Officer | BlueRock

“You will find only what you bring in,” said Yoda to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. As our resident Yoda, we can safely say that Dean is always ‘bringing it in’ at BlueRock.

He joined the BlueRock team in 2015 with years of hands-on experience as a business director and an array of amazing jackets. As well as winter fashion, Dean is committed to quality business reporting and exploring new technologies that improve BlueRock’s business efficiencies. BlueRock + Deano = a tight ship. As you can imagine, Dean’s a busy guy but when it’s time to relax you’ll find him propped at the bar at Pellegrini’s with a coffee in hand or applying ‘the Force’ to his distance running and golf performance. Love golf he does.

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