BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

Diane pham

Dianne Pham

Manager | Accounting

Dianne is in her element when the sun comes out. When she’s not at BlueRock providing advice to her clients, you’ll find her hiking up mountains or sunbaking on the beach, ice-cream in hand.

With a house full of plants, her love of all things bright and beautiful even extends to her interior design choices. Her sunny disposition makes her a great fit at BlueRock too. With a positive, can-do attitude, Dianne will go the extra mile to help her clients run their businesses with clarity and confidence. We’re pretty happy that Dianne’s sharing a bit of that sunshine with us here at BlueRock. Easy-going and easily amused (test out your dad jokes here), she’s a great team member and an accountant that clients love working with. We feel warmer already!

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