BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

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Harrison Douveas

Lead Consultant | Digital

Harrison likes law and he likes computers, so much so that he completed a double degree in Law and Computer Science. He started at BlueRock in our Law division, combining his legal and tech know-how to understand, enact and optimise digital transformation projects and processes. Now he works as a Product Lead in our Tech and Innovation team. He brings a skillset to BlueRock that's both as valuable and unique as the man himself.

Harrison is a sociable fellow with plenty of quirky interests that make him so easy to get along with. He’s a tinkerer, a bargain hunter, an ex-jazz guitarist, and Blues Brothers fan. You’re also unlikely to find a bigger car nerd in the office.

Knowledge I've Shared

A Business Owner’s Guide to AI Risk and AI Governance
4 min read
Harnessing AI for SME Growth
3 min read
Go to Knowledgebase

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