BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

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Lee Kelly

Talent Acquisition Specialist | BlueRock

A vibrant Talent Acquisition Specialist hailing from Dublin, Ireland. Lee brings 3+ years of internal recruitment in a financial services company and a year in HR at a tech giant, Lee is not just a pro at identifying top talent but also boasts a positive attitude and a knack for picking up new skills. Specialising in financial services, he navigates the realms of accounting, legal, and fiduciary sectors with precision.

Outside the professional hustle, Lee is a sports aficionado, hitting the training ground a few times a week and catching soccer games whenever time zones align. Described by friends as outgoing, easy to talk to, and a steadfast companion, Lee brings not only expertise but also a friendly and adaptable demeanour to the table, making him a standout in the world of talent acquisition.

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