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Paige Lambert

Senior Graphic Designer | BlueRock

A true creative and highly collaborative individual, Paige’s eye for creating visuals and generating innovative ideas is what sets her apart. Her designs are engaging and fun while also effective in communicating the values and message of BlueRock. Having always loved illustration, quirky visuals and finding the perfect balance of chaos and organisation in design, Paige can create anything she sets her mind to!

Other than being the biggest fan of all things art and design, especially the surrealist 3D creations of Joe Mortell, she loves pesto-drenched pasta and her two cats, Jiji & Maxi. Quirky and kind, Paige is always up for a chat. Her ideal weekend would involve a balance of fun social things with friends and rewatching old episodes of Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends.

Knowledge I've Shared

The Scientific Impact of Graphic Design
2 min read
Be Different: Branding as a Tool for Competitive Advantage
5 min read
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