BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

Theo knight

Theo Knight

Senior Accountant | Accounting

Theo joined BlueRock Accounting in 2019 with her CPA and a bachelor’s in business (Accounting) under her belt. Like many of her accounting colleagues, Theo’s interest in accounting extends further than the 4 walls of BlueRock HQ – she has a huge passion for international tax matters. If you ever find yourself wanting to navigate the complexities of international tax regulations, issues and updates, Theo’s the woman for the job!

Outside of work hours, you can find Theo curled up on the couch watching True Crime docos and listening to podcasts. She’s a huge Potter-Head with a love for Harry Potter than runs deeper than merely the film franchise; her favourite way to fall asleep is by listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks and snuggling up with her cat Severus! Above all else, the way to Theo’s heart is a good book, a hot tea, and a warm blanket (and her son and husband, of course).

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