BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

Tien do

Tien Do

Senior Manager | Accounting

Before joining BlueRock in 2017, Tien worked in the family business helping to run a local cafe. Just one of the reasons she’s such a great accountant and business adviser. She knows what it’s like to run a business and that’s why her advice is so valuable. She’s been there.

The qualities that made her a successful business owner are the same qualities that make her a great BlueRocker – a strong work ethic, first-hand management experience, and an ability to connect with people. She also knows how to make a killer coffee, so she’s a pretty popular person in the BlueRock kitchen in the morning. A coffee addict and passionate foodie, you can’t get more ‘Melbourne’ than Tien. She loves exploring the city’s dining scene with her friends and is our go-to coffee expert when we need help telling our batch brews apart from our V60s. We couldn’t think of a better brunch buddy!

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