BlueRock has acquired White Sky , Australia’s leading business management firm for the music and entertainment industry. Find out more !

Trevor gordijn

Trevor Gordijn

Chief Commercial Officer & Executive Managing Partner | BlueRock

Trevor joined BlueRock in 2018 with a background in strategic planning and business advisory services. His passion for connecting people and helping his clients grow their businesses is what makes him popular among our clients.

In his role, Trevor is dedicated to scaling businesses and solving the toughest problems for business owners. He thrives on connecting solutions and people who can work together to overcome challenges. With a strong sense of purpose, Trevor enjoys changing and improving things, always looking for ways to innovate and be more efficient.

A frustrated guitar player, wannabe Aussie-rules footballer and aspiring surfer, we admire Trevor’s enthusiasm, ambition and motivation, even if it doesn’t seem to pay off for him right away. Trevor’s positive energy is infectious and it’s hard to be glum when he gets excited about something, which is often. It could be an awesome piece of art, a witty nickname, or even a perfectly cooked lamb cutlet. But what gets him most excited? Seeing his kids happy. Good answer Trevor. You’re a keeper.

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